Fun In The Sun!!

The Guest List Cart Sale is behind me, so I've been furiously working on the next big thing!  Coming up we have the Gacha Good Sunshine & Seashells event.  Z.O.E. is sponsoring this one, so there will be TWO gachas, plus an exclusive.  Then, the exclusive spawned a series of beachy items!  But I get ahead of myself here.

I do NOT like summer.  Can't stand it.  It's hot, muggy, the kids are home and bored.  I much prefer the dreary gray cold of winter.  However, I realize I'm in the minority, so simply must slap on that sunscreen and just dive in!

First off, for Super Sale Weekend, we have the Z.O.E. Spring Girly Heels.  Normally these are L$165, but they're only L$80 this weekend.  You can find the whole list of participating merchants here.

New stuff this week, we have the beginning of the Fun In The Sun series of beach stuffs!  These next two items are in the shop as of this morning, and they go for L$75 each.  L$57 if you're a Z.O.E. vip and have your tag on as long as they are still on the new stuff wall. ;)

Now, the Gacha Good Sunshine & Seashells event is coming up July 8-30.  That chair you see in the above two pics will be the exclusive at this event, plus there will be two exclusive gachas!  There is an example of the poof shown in that one gacha, in the shop.  Have a seat and see the different poses available.

 Okay, so until next time, stay cool, calm and collected.  Make sure you grab those heels while they're on sale, too! 



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