Harlequin Club & Replacement Brownstone?

So, I've been neglecting my blog in a most horrific manner lately.  I haven't been updating you all properly!  That doesn't mean I've not been busy, though.

With the closure of my second Secondhome, The Rhythm Factory, I've been scrambling to get the shop moved over and begin a new (old) project that I'll share with you guys soon.  Having a break from DJ'ing and Hosting has really been a good thing, but it's time to get back to work already!  In the meantime though, there has been new stuff added to the shop!  First, let's go over the builds. :D

The old brownstone has gone bye bye as of the end of the retirement sale, but a new and better version has emerged to take it's place.  It's normally L$275, right now L$207 for vips on the new stuff wall, and this weekend only, L$99 for Super Sale weekend!  Make sure you hit up the SSW vendor in the shop for that price, though.  These are next to the group joiners and stuff.  This home has a small kitchen and dining area, living room, and 3 bedrooms: A master suite on the second floor, and 2 other bedrooms on the 3rd.  There's a new butcher block kitchen island available to match this build also.  Normally L$75, L$57 on the new stuff wall, and L$50 for SSW this weekend, too!

Next, we have a new club!  I'm happy happy that with minor color adjustments, this venue is being used for a friend's wedding reception tonight. ^_^  This club is black and white with simple tinted bits around to break up the monotony.  There's a stage, as well as a dancing area over it, and another standing/sitting/dancing area over the entry.  The foyer is large enough to put any club related things (group joiners, info boards, staff pics, etc), without looking messy.  This build is L$275 normal price, L$207 on the new stuff wall, this week only.  It will come down soon from the new stuff wall, but not sure when yet. 

You can see both of these builds at the inworld rezzer, and more photos on my Flickr page. 

Stay tuned for other new stuff! 



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