Creepy, Creepy, Make Ya Weepy!

Yep, I know that title blows.  Oh well!  Hey guys, nice to chat at you again.  I've been muy busy the past couple of weeks between getting some Halloween stuff ready, and preparing for Hurricane Irma.  By preparing, I mean watching the Weather Channel 24/7 and silently freaking out while hoarding mass amounts of water, ice and non-perishables.  Anyway, I have the first offering for Halloween 2017 for you. 

This building is a "safe" listing, meaning it can be for Halloween or not.  This build will fit in nicely in an any urban grunge setting.  It is a filler building, so you can't actually go inside.  These dummy buildings are more for lower prim scenery.  This particular one isn't as low prim as I'd like, but it's really freakin' cool!  It comes in a boarded up window version, as well as a lower prim broken window version. 

I love the nasty moldy old wood, don't you??  This building can be seen at my demo rezzer inworld.  Don't forget to wear your group tag for the discount!  It's L$150 normal price, L$113 on the new stuff wall for group members wearing their tag, and only L$75 for Super Sale Weekend now through 9/17/17.  Hit that up under the SSW board on the events wall next to the new stuff wall.

Look forward to more Halloweeny type stuff coming soon for those who like to set up before October for month long events!

~Zanne Boucher


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