
Z.O.E. offers quite a few rewards to it's members.  I do love my VIP's and try to give them the most bang for their buck!  Below are a few ways that being a group member and/or shopping at an inworld location is a worthwhile thing.

1. As a VIP, you get to keep up with all the happenings at Z.O.E.  I don't spam a lot, just usually send out once per week notices letting folks know what's new and what's on sale for the weekend.

2. As a VIP, you will get 25% off all new items, plus 10% off  MOST of the store every day!  Some items in the shop are just inworld only and usually temporary items, so they don't get put into the vending system.  Also, they're usually dirt cheap anyway.

3. For all you other folks out there that are STILL resistant to joining the group (even though it's free to join :P), you still build up store credit every time you shop at an inworld location.  The more you spend, the more % of credit you earn!

Just hit up any of the VIP group joiners in the shop to take full advantage of these awesome benefits, and I hope to see ya!!

~Zanne Boucher
Owner/Z.O.E. - Zanne's Odds & Ends


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